Demo Listening Guide
Here’s a brief guide to listening to the demos for Judgment Day, a modern opera I wrote about the end of the world based on the Christian Book of the Revelation. The demos were recorded between March 2020 and January 2021-- my COVID project to dust off a piece of musical theater that had been in progress for over a decade.
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A few things before we get to the music...
The Story
If you want to know more about the story, check out the synopsis. The full libretto is here.
Best on headphones. I’m not an audio engineer, and I was new to Logic when I started this project. The mixes are decent, but they could use the guidance of a pro, and they have not yet been mastered. They sound pretty good on most headphones and smaller speakers-- not so great yet on big home systems.
I’m doing everything. I performed, programmed and sang literally everything on these demos. While the instrumental performances range from good to outstanding (if I do say so myself), several of the vocal parts will have to be re-recorded with singers as I originally envisioned. The very next step toward making a record out of this is to get more vocalists involved, in particular for Maggie, Thomas, Peter, Psi and Marshall Law, as well as a handful of the bit parts and backing vocals. I think I did exceptionally well performing Brother John and THE ONE, so I’m going to keep those (maybe I’m just fated to play bad guys on Broadway).
Remember, these are demos! The tracks here are overproduced compared to typical demos. I did that to make sure that the energy and pacing of the entire piece was worked out for stage, and so you can almost visualize the action. As a side benefit, a lot of stems are basically ready to go for a professional album production.
Enough, just take me to the music!
Judgment Day, the complete opera
The Essentials - an abridged version for a faster listen through
The Singles - just the hits, please
As you listen, you can check out the notes below about what’s going on. Enjoy!
Song by Song Notes
General notes
All pop instruments were performed live unless noted: piano, synths, bass, drums, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, ukulele, harmonica.
Orchestral instruments are all MIDI, performed on my Casio digital piano and AKAI controller.
Vocals - all lead and background vocals performed live by me, except for a few samples and loops as noted below.
Thomas delivers an opening soliloquy with dire warnings about the course humankind is on.
Vocals: Thomas
Instruments: Drums, synth bass, synths, bass, electric piano, clavichord, lead guitar, horns
Brother John relates his visions of the end of the world to his congregation; an old fashioned prayer revival brings down the house.
Vocals: Brother John (verses 1,4), Maggie (verses 2,3), Chorus
Instruments: Piano, organ, bass, drums, gospel choir sample
On a sunny day in the park, Maggie and her church group evangelize the Good Word of the Gospel and warn of the coming end times.
Vocals: Maggie, Chorus
Instruments: Bongos, street percussion, acoustic guitar, steel drums, harmonica, electric guitar, gospel choir sample
Thomas comes upon the church group in the park and chats with Maggie.
Vocals: Thomas (part 1), Maggie (part 2)
Instruments: Piano, strings, horn, acoustic guitar, electric guitar
Maggie shares her story of redemption with Thomas and invites him to accept the Lord into his heart.
Vocals: Maggie (verses 1, 2), Thomas (verse 3), Chorus
Instruments: Arpeggiators, tremolo guitar, drums, bass, synths, piano, lead guitar, organ
Newscasters deliver the top stories of the day; Marshall Law holds a campaign rally.
Vocals: Anchorman (verse 1), Anchorwoman (verses 2,3), Marshall Law, Crowd
Parts 1,3: Orchestra
Part 2: Rhythm guitar, drums, bass, lead guitar
Peter and his band of anarchists plot revolution in a nightclub. Peter fires up the crowd and mayhem ensues.
Vocals: Anarchists 1,2,3, Peter, Chorus
Part 1: Synth bass, drum program, synths, arpeggiators, electric piano, Motown horns, sax, gospel vocal effects
Part 2: Drums, bass, synth, guitar
Part 3: Rhythm guitar, bass, drums, lead guitar
Marshall Law’s police thugs break up the nightclub riot as he looks on from a secure location.
Vocals: Marshall Law
Instruments: Marching band drums, synth bass, samples, megaphone vocal, rhythm guitar, noise guitars
Thomas’ newly found faith is shaken by the day’s news-- but he still needs to believe in something greater than himself.
Vocals: Thomas, Chorus
Instruments: Piano, acoustic guitar, rhythm guitars, bass, drums, mellotron strings, synths, organs, lead guitar, gospel choir sample, gospel vocal effects
Rising pop star Psi sings of a coming savior and new world order.
Vocals: Psi, Backup Singers
Instruments: Synth bass, drum program, claps, samples, loops, synths, acoustic guitar, saxophones
As faithful around the world gather in expectation of a catastrophic comet collision, THE ONE arrives on earth with a hopeful message for mankind.
Vocals: Chorus, Angels 1 and 2, Priest, THE ONE
Part 1: Bass, horns, timpani, jungle drums, synth, pianos, lead guitar, guitar effects, samples
Part 2: Orchestra, bass, drums, rhythm guitar
Part 3: Orchestra, drums, bass, piano
Part 4: Orchestra, bass, drums, rhythm guitar
It’s a new day: a happy group spreads the word of love, peace and harmony.
Vocals: Singer 1 and 2, Chorus
Instruments: Ukulele, drum program, bass, acoustic guitar, rhythm guitar, electric piano, drums, synths, lead guitar, church bells, pop horn section
As THE ONE consolidates power, Psi shills and delivers directives for the people of earth to follow.
Vocals: Psi, Backup Singers
Instruments: Strings, piano, drum program, loops, rhythm guitar, bass, motown horns, samples, synths, lead guitar
Thomas and Maggie are both stunned by recent events, but each reacts quite differently.
Vocals: Thomas, Maggie
Intro: Piano, strings, baritone and tenor sax
Main: Drums, bass, rhythm guitar, piano, synth strings, guitar effects
After her argument with Thomas, Maggie takes stock and prepares herself for the end to come.
Vocals: Maggie
Instruments: Piano, acoustic guitar, oboe, harp, strings, percussion, horns
Thomas finds Peter and the anarchists and asks to join the resistance. It doesn’t go well.
Vocals: Anarchist 1,2, and 3; Peter, Thomas, Marshall Law
Main: Harmonica, acoustic guitar, foot stomps, hand drum, lead guitar, acoustic bass, rhythm guitar, drums, bass
Reprise: Tear It Down Part 2 + treated pianos and ghost synths
Reprise: Order, Order, Order!
After his capture and interrogation, Thomas meets THE ONE, who makes him an offer he can’t refuse.
Vocals: Brother John, THE ONE, Minions of THE ONE, Thomas
Main: Strings, piano, drums, bass, rhythm guitar, synths, 808 drum machine, treated pianos, flute, guitar effects
Interlude: Piano, cello, clarinet, accordion, tuba, trombone, violins, violas, drums
As the end of days approaches, The Army of the Lord faces off against The Armies of the One in a final battle between good and evil.
Vocals: Bard, Peter, Maggie, The Armies of the One, The Army of the Lord, Marshall Law, Angel
Part 1: Acoustic guitar, bass, cello, hi-hat, military snares, violins, finger cymbals, bagpipes, horns
Part 2: Fuzz bass, drums, rhythm guitars, piano, strings, lead guitar, clavichord Part 3: Drums, rhythm guitar, synth, bass, piano, arpeggiator
Part 4: Drums, bass, rhythm guitar
Part 5: Rhythm guitar, bass, drums, piano, organ
Thomas, now the last man on earth, reflects on all that has come before.
Vocals: Thomas, Chorus
Instruments: Horns, percussion, strings, drums, bass, rhythm guitar, anthem lead guitars, electric piano, synths, organ, arpeggiators, gospel choir sample, gospel vocal effects
In the new world, mankind is ruled by Christ in peace and harmony for a thousand years.
Vocals: Chorus
Instruments: Harp